

inner life





Intestinal Flora

Most cancer patients eventually become aware of the fact that poor eating habits, inefficient metabolism, and sluggish elimination have aggravated the tendency towards cancer. Thanks in part to the widespread influence of certain extreme diets and detoxifying regimes, many people have become obsessed with internal hygiene. I will try to tackle this complex subject in sections:  intestinal flora, peristalsis, detoxification, and regeneration.

In my personal opinion, nature intended for food to enter the mouth and transit the entire gastrointestinal tract without drama. If there is any discomfort along the way, something is wrong. Eating should be pleasurable and elimination should be effortless and almost odorless.If the appetite is strong, if food is savory, if there is saliva in the mouth, adequate gastric secretions, proper peristalsis, and good elimination, many diseases would not be able to gain a foothold. However, people eat by the clock instead of their appetites. They eat portions instead of what they actually need from the point of view of their health. Then, food churns in the stomach where it grumbles and growls as it is broken down by fermentation instead of digestion. Next, it sticks to the walls of the colon and finally something comes out days later smelling awful and exhibiting absolute proof of indigestion: recognizable particles of food from meals that were eaten days before. This scenario is all related to the same syndrome: poor digestion, poor assimilation, and poor elimination. It is aggravated by poor choices of food, poor preparation of meals, poor food combining, and poor chewing. These same individuals usually suffer from a poor population of friendly bacteria and too much putrefactive bacteria in the colon.

Intestinal Bacteria

Not all bacteria is bad. Bacteria is needed to assist the breakdown of food into nutrients the body can use. The lower intestine contains both friendly and putrefactive bacteria. In a healthy person, 85% of the bacteria should be friendly and only 15% putrefactive; however, for an enormous number of people living the affluent dream, these ratios are reversed. Putrefaction is a major cause of ill health. Besides embarrassing flatulence, the gases contribute to dryness, pain, constipation, and poor absorption of the nutrients that are needed to build healthy skin, hair, bones, nerve sheathing, reproductive fluids, and brain tissue. In other words, unhealthy conditions in the colon result in many of the problems associated with degenerative diseases and impaired functioning of the nervous system and brain, memory problems, senility and premature aging, etc.Proper elimination should be easy: effortless and almost odorless. Odor is a sign of putrefaction and flora imbalance. If there is adequate friendly flora in the system, putrefaction will be minimal. Less putrefaction also means less gas and less gas means less cramping, kinking, straining, and pain when attempting to eliminate. It also means less dryness, less risk of fissures in the walls of the colon, less opportunity for parasitic infection, and less degenerative disease.

Ideal Eliminations

Though it does not make for polite conversation, it is really important that someone defy Emily Post and describe what constitutes proper elimination. Waste products should be bound together in one bundle that floats in the water in the toilet bowl. This indicates that the putrefactive gases have been bound into the waste products, making them light. They are thus eliminated rather than retained in the colon where they cause flatulence.Based on my many years of Ayurvedic study and work with countless patients suffering from every imaginable illness, I cannot emphasize strongly enough how important colon health is to overall health. I also cannot even begin to explain how gases in the colon contribute not only to systemic toxicity but also pain. Yes, strange as it seems, the gases give rise to the nerve sensations that are registered as pain so pain subsides as soon as the gases are neutralized and/or eliminated.The solution: when 20-30 minutes after eating, there is a feeling of distention and discomfort, take something carminative. Also take intestinal flora. Vary the brand and type of flora used so as to build a healthy and varied population of friendly bacteria. Support the repopulation with liberal amounts of turmeric, used in cooking or taken as tablets. Every producer of intestinal flora claims its product is the best, and all of the products probably test better in the laboratory than they do after transport and months of time on store shelves. To be effective, the bacteria has to be alive and this is unfortunately rarely the case with products that have not been refrigerated, not too mention those that are old. This said, there is one brand that has been consistently effective for most people. It is made by Topfer and comes in two forms, Eugalan and Lactopriv, the latter being recommended for those who are lactose intolerant. It comes in a powder and should be refrigerated after opening and used within ten days of opening. It makes up like a milk shake . . . and Eugalan tastes much better than Lactopriv.

I recommend buying several brands, alternating them, and continuing until achieving the ideal: odorless and effortless elimination. This is often achieved in only a few days but sometimes takes months. A single bout of diarrhea or one sip of chlorinated water can wipe out the benefits of meticulous efforts to rebuild these wonderful populations of friendly helpers. When you get to the online store, you will see a number of choices.


Kitchen Doctor: Taste and the Elements

Kitchen Doctor is my best selling album. It is available as a set of four 90-minute audio cassettes. It was recorded at a seminar in which I covered the six tastes in relationship to the effect food pharmacology has on physiological functioning. The six tastes are: sweet, sour, salty, pungent, bitter, and astringent.





Ingrid Naiman
2 August 2006




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Sacred Medicine Sanctuary

Copyright by Ingrid Naiman 2001, 2006, and 2014


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